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Through diligent practice, we provide Calgary, AB with quality chiropractic services, helping the community get back to pain-free health. With a focus on quality service and the scientific approach, Associate Chiropractic Clinic offers wide-ranging therapy options at affordable rates. Research has shown that chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage therapy may be helpful for a wide variety of conditions:
Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or dizziness, often described as feeling like you or your surroundings are in motion when they are not. It can be caused by various in the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathways. Many people experience vertigo as a result of conditions such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (PPV), Meniere's disease, or vestibular neuritis. While vertigo can be unsettling understanding its causes and symptoms can help manage the condition effectively.
What causes Vertigo?
Vertigo is a distressing sensation that makes individuals feel as though they are spinning or moving, even when they are stationary. This condition can arise from various underlying causes.
Meniere's disease:
Meniere's disease is another condition associated with vertigo, characterized by an abnormal buildup of fluid the inner ear, leading to episodes of dizziness, ringing the ears, and hearing loss.
In addition to these, head injuries can also trigger vertigo symptoms, as can migraines which may affect balance. Certain medications that have side effects related to dizziness can further contribute to the experience of vertigo. Given the variety potential causes, it is crucial for individuals experiencing vertigo to seek guidance from a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV):
One of the most prevalent causes is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which occurs when tiny calcium carbonate crystals within the inner ear become dislodged and disrupt balance. Another common cause is vestibular neuritis, an inflammation resulting from an infection that impacts the inner ear and its ability to send balance signals to the brain.
This inner ear condition often begins after:
A head injury/whiplash
A severe cold or virus
Due to ageing process
Minor strokes
Use of ototoxic medications e.g. gentamicin
The most common cause in the under 50’s is head trauma and whiplash.
In older people, the most common cause is degeneration of the vestibular system of the inner ear and BPPV becomes much more common with advancing age.
In half of all cases BPPV is called “idiopathic”, which means it occurs for no known reason.
Chiropractic Treatment and Vertigo
Vertigo is a common symptom present in chiropractic patients, especially after head and neck trauma. Vertigo and dizziness can be a very disabling complaint. It is a sense of dizziness or spinning, sometimes associated with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and sweating.
It can have many causes and in most cases, it is a treatable condition. The treatment used depends on the cause. Our specially trained chiropractors at Associate Chiropractic Clinic must do a thorough examination when you first come in for treatment. In some cases, you may have to be referred to a neurologist for further assessments. But the good news is that the most common cases respond well to conservative care including chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue treatments and possibly a special treatment call Epley's manuever.
One of the most common causes of vertigo and dizziness is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), also called Benign Vertigo or Positional Vertigo. Generally, about 20% of all cases of dizziness are due to BPPV and about 50% of all dizziness in older patients is due to BPPV. Other common causes include acute vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis.
There are other, more serious causes of vertigo such as stroke, tumors and neurological diseases such as MS. With these conditions there are other symptoms present as well and they are normally picked up in the chiropractic and neurological examination.
Diagnosis of BPPV
Chiropractors are able to diagnose this condition after taking a full case history and performing a physical and neurological examination.
Treatment of BPPV
The condition is treated by certain repositioning maneuvers. Our chiropractors at Associate Chiropractic Clinic are specially trained to perform the "Epley Maneuver", which is a simple and well-tolerated technique that will cure BPPV in the majority of patients.
The chiropractor will move you into specific positions depending on what has previously been found in the assessment, using gravity to move the calcium carbonate crystals away into an area of the inner ear where they will cause no further symptoms.
The treatment is very effective and within 3-4 treatments 80% are symptom-free. The symptoms can recur and research shows a relatively low recurrence rate of about 15 percent per year.
Chiropractic treatment might not be the first thing you think of if you experience dizziness, but the maneuvers and treatment used are the same as you would have if you go to medical clinicians who specialize in these conditions. We as chiropractors see more and more cases of dizziness and it is not surprising, since according to the BBC there is a shortage of doctors in the NHS who can diagnose and treat these conditions. Chiropractic is not suited for all types of dizziness, but if we can’t help you we will refer you back to your GP.
If you have any of the above symptoms and want further information please call Associate Chiropractic Clinic. Don’t rely on symptomatic relief. Taking tablets for this condition is not the answer.
Chiropractic Services
A chiropractor can help ease your vertigo naturally by using the following techniques:
Spinal manipulation: Adjustment is made to the spine and extremities using a wide range of motion and applying force to the joints and muscles.
Flexion-distraction: Spinal decompression to treat disc and joint disorders in the lower back.
Soft tissue release techniques: Utilizes precise pressure combined with stretching to focus on releasing tension in the muscles and tendons, regain range of motion, and improve blood flow.
Exercise and stretches: muscles are stretched to relieve pain and improve spine mobility.
GRASTON Technique: Instrument assisted Soft tissue treatments utilizing a metal tool to help break up scar tissue and damaged sprains and strains, improve blood flow and range of motion, and increase the rate of healing.
Visit Associate Chiropractic Clinic For All Vertigo Relief
Vertigo, if left untreated, can have long-term consequences. We at Associate Chiropractic Clinic can provide the best possible care and customized treatment for your unique needs.
Whether your vertigo is work-related, a result of an auto injury, or some other reason, our experienced doctors can diagnose your condition to discuss your back pain treatment options. The right treatment can provide immediate pain relief, and help to prevent it from becoming chronic.