CALL US: 403-230-9003

The healing benefits of an affordable chiropractor in Calgary are rooted in access to care for everyone. We value our patients and strive to keep our fees reasonable to make sure money is never a barrier to proper health care. Learn our fee schedule and find out how easy it really is to start your wellness journey.
Regular Visits
Whether you receive short or long-term treatment, understanding the fee system adds comfort and ease to the chiropractic process. Benefit from affordable treatment with our reasonable pricing model.
​Active Release (ART) Care - $60
​ Massage Therapy - Call for rates
​ Initial Consultation Appointment - $60
​ Subsequent Chiropractic Treatment - $40

Discounted Rates
To improve access to care, we offer reduced rates to students, seniors aged 65 and older, and those receiving social assistance.
​ Initial Consultation Appointment - $55
​ Subsequent Chiropractic Treatment - $35
​Active Release (ART) Care - $55
Many of our services are covered by private insurance plans. Consult with your insurance provider to learn whether you have chiropractic coverage. Please inform our receptionist if you have Alberta Blue Cross as we can bill this provider directly; and, for those receiving Blue Cross aged 65 and older, there is a subsidy of $25 per visit, up to an annual $200 of assistance, refreshing each year on July 1st.